MonkeyDude1313's Cube Craziness

Cube Collection: Updated on March 23rd, 2009

Mini Puzzles

He has 4 mini puzzles. The smallest of which is a 1x1x2 which he acquired from a friend. It is made from the corners of a White Rubik's Cube and has textured tiles on it. The two Freebie 2x2x2s are next, which he got from, however they are not giving them out anymore. Lastly, the keychain 3x3x3, which he got from his grandfather after his passing in 2008.


He has only two 2x2x2s. They are Eastsheen brand from The black Eastsheen A2 has smooth tiles on it, and the white A2 has textured tiles. He prefers the white over the black because it is a little smoother, and has not been lubed.

3x3x3 Speedcubing

Back Left: Diansheng with White cube Bright set from cubesmith.
Back Center Left: Diansheng with White cube bright set and a Chrome side.
Back Center Right: DIY Yellow Type a used for solving in school because it is quiet.
Back Right: White DIY Type f: Very very light.
Front Right: Black DIY Type a: my second main speedcube, turns amazing and is tiled with smooth tiles.
Front Left: My new main speedcube, its a White Porcelain White C4Y DIY.

3x3x3 Other

Back Left: DIansheg with full Chrome Set.
Back Center: Green DIY Type a: The core has the letters "D" "A" "R" "C" and "Y" written on it in sharpie to show when I finally set my first sub-40 second time, who I was talking to.
Back Right: White DIY Type a
Front Left: Gold DIY Type b
Front Right: Rubik's Icon: Fun to speedsolve, turns amazing with Jig-a-Loo.

3x3x3 Modding

These are 12 diansheng cubes that he will be using for mods in the near future such as, siamese cube, 3x3x5 extended octagon barrel, etc. He has started casting his own custom pieces, so most of the pieces in these puzzles will be taken out and the cores will be used with other parts. Mods can be made out of these cubes, and can be requested for at my store, see the tab above.


Left: Eastsheen White A4 with Smooth Cubesmith tiles.
Center Left: Rubik's Old Style Revenge.
Center Right: Rubik's New Re-tooled Revenge
Right: Eastsheen Black A4 with Textured Cubesmith tiles. This is my main speedcube for 4x4.


Front Left: V-Cube 5 White with Smooth Cubesmith tiles
Back Left: Eastsheen White A5 with Smooth Tiles
Center: Rubik's Professor: Stickers are peeling like crazy on every side bit white.
Back Right: Eastsheen Black A5
Front Right: V-Cube 5 Black with Textured Tiles: This is my main speedcube for 5x5.


Left: Black V-Cube 6: Custom Tiled by me with Textured tiles.
Right: White V-Cube 6: It has a white cube bright set of stickers and has been broken in for about 7 months and has been Pi Modded. It is currently my Best speedcube for 6x6.


Left: White V-Cube 7: Broken in for about 7 months and has a white cube bright set on it. It turns amazingly well and is my main speedcube for 7x7.
Right: Black V-Cube 7: Turns very well.


Back Left: Chinaminx #1: Will be taken apart, and the core will be used for Gigaminx.
Back Right: Chinaminx #2: Will be modded for a video on Youtube.
Left: White Chinaminx New Type #1: Awesome.
Right: White Chinaminx New Type #2: My main speedcube for megaminx.
Center: Meffert's tiled megaminx: Would be my main speedcube, but Ive lost to many tiles. I do plan on buying some in the future.

Pyraminx and Pyraminx Crystal

Left: Pyraminx Crystal: My parents bought this for me and I have to admit, it is one of the coolest looking puzzles I own. And its fun to solve to.
Right: Black Pyraminx: Custom Tiled by me with Textured tiles: Has White, Yellow, Green and Blue.

Square-1 and Super Square-1

Back Left: Black Square-1 Can get about 180 easily off of U, D, and R moves. My main speedcube for Square-1.
Back Center: Transparent Square-1
Back Right: White Square-1
Front: Super Square-1: Awesome, turns well, and looks cool. My parents also got this amazing puzzle for me.

Skewb and Variations

Left: Skewb Ultimate: Looks awesome, smooth mod as shown in my youtube video. Search "How to Make your Skewb Smooth"
Center: Polymorphinx: Is amazing. My brother got this for me a while back. He is a beast.
Right: Skewb: Custom tiled by me with Textured cubesmith tiles.

World and Impossiball

Left: Rubik's World
Right: Impossiball, Meffert's brand, and its very loose. Its fun to solve in both the full, and slidy-puzzle way. With no pieces taken out it is simply a 2x2 Megaminx that is spherical.

3x3x5 Extended and Siamese

Left: 3x3x5 Extended: Crazy old, made by me out of a store bought cube.
Right: Siamese Cube: I am unhappy to say this is part of my collection as it looks and turns terrible. I am considering making a new Siamese out of Dianshengs.

Magic and Master Magic

Front: 2x4 Magic: Store bought Rubik's Brand, my magic used for speed.
Center: Black 2x4 Magic from C4Y: My parents got me this and I am not using it for speed anymore as I don't want it breaking again.
Back: 2x6 Master Magic

Miscellaneous Puzzles

Front: 15 Puzzle: This is an awesome puzzle from my awesome friend Peter (ThunderDragon80 on youtube). He is letting me borrow it, and we have not set a return time. Hehe.
Back Left: Tower of Babel
Back Center: Rubik's UFO
Back Right: Lazy-Mans Bandaged Cube (Bi-Cube).

Fisher 4x4 and 5x5

Left: Fisher's 4x4 Made by a friend of mine. It is awesome quality, but is kind of rounded. I plan on modding it in the near future.
Right: Fisher's 5x5: Made also by a friend of mine, it is not the best quality, and I am definately going to mod it in the future. It locks up a lot, and isn't smooth when turning. However, it is still a fishers 5x5!

3x3x5 Extended Octagon Barrel and Ramp Cube

Left: My Completely Original Extended 3x35 Octagon Barrel. It is not completed, as I plan on making the first Fully Functional 3x3x5 Extended Octagon Barrel.
Right: Ramp Cube

Alexander's Star

This was my grandfathers before he passed away in 2008. I keep this in the original state in which it was given to me as to keep his memory alive.

Thrawst's 6x6x6

Not part of my collection. But I mean. COME ON! Its Thrawsts! I feel awesome when I hold it (such a cheesy fanboy at times). I only have it because I am modding it for him in my store.