MonkeyDude1313's Cube Craziness


I was denied being a Youtube Partner, probably because this was the first time I applied. *tear*

3/25/2009 11:39:20 pm

I think you were denied because:

"Your account does not contain sufficient original NEW content that represents the uniqueness of our community"

Which means that youtube thinks there is too many rubik's cube channels that are partners. Probably cause memyselfandpi was accepted.

aram sargsyan
3/26/2009 06:38:57 am

you shouldve become a partner!
they are so mean

6/5/2009 07:48:27 am

That stinks. It might be because there are too many "cubers." Their partner system is corrupt. So many people who deserve partnership don't receive it. Its dumb. Your vids are great, though. And that's all that matters :)

6/11/2009 05:47:23 pm

Cubing doesn't have that high of a demand. And too many cubers are getting excepted. LIKE OMG frk17 should NOT be a partner. His videos suck and youtube is about VIDEOS not your outside life.


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